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Haqocom “Your Right”


Project Description

“Your Right” (Haqocom) aims to increase access of Palestinians living in East Jerusalem to justice through contributing to address Human Rights (HR) and International Humanitarian Law (IHL) violations perpetrated by the Israeli occupation. Through the project, Palestinian right-holders have increased access to information about their rights inherent in Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law and measures to defend them. Alternatively, national and international stakeholders have an increased awareness of and continuous access to updated information about HR and IHL violations in East Jerusalem.

About the client

Haqocom also build with a mobile application "Naseeha"

“Your Right” website and “Naseeha” App are interactive platforms available in Arabic and English. The platforms provide Palestinian right-holders, national and international stakeholders with information on Israeli policies and procedures, contravening HR and IHL, utilized by the occupation in undertaking forced population transfer. The website will be continuously updated with information on HR and IHL violations taking place in East Jerusalem, by university students who received capacity building training that enabled them to monitor and document HR and IHL violations.