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The National Library of Palestine | المكتبة الوطنية الفلسطينية

Project Description

The National Library of Palestine sought to establish a comprehensive online presence that reflected its mission and vision while providing an engaging platform for users to access news, photo galleries, and other valuable resources. They partnered with our development company to build a robust, user-friendly website using the Drupal Content Management System (CMS) to achieve this.

Project Objectives

  • About, Mission, and Vision: Clearly articulate the National Library's mission to preserve Palestinian heritage and its vision to be a leading cultural institution.
  • News and Updates: Provide a platform to share the latest news, events, and announcements.
  • Photo Gallery: Showcase a rich collection of historical and contemporary images.
  • Resource Access: Offer easy access to digital archives, catalogs, and other library resources.
  • User Engagement: Enhance interaction through newsletters, social media integration, and user feedback forms.

Solution and Implementation

Our team chose Drupal CMS for its flexibility, scalability, and robust content management capabilities. The following features were implemented:

  1. Informative Pages: We created dedicated pages outlining the National Library’s mission and vision, ensuring these core messages were prominently displayed and easily accessible.
  2. News and Events Section: A dynamic news module was developed to allow library staff to post updates, upcoming events, and important announcements. This module supports multimedia content, ensuring rich and engaging posts.
  3. Photo and video Gallery: An interactive photo gallery was integrated to display the library’s extensive collection of images. Users can browse through historical photos, special exhibits, and recent event snapshots with ease.
  4. Digital Resources: We implemented a searchable digital archive where users can access a wide range of library materials, including manuscripts, books, and documents. The archive is categorized and indexed to facilitate easy navigation and retrieval.
  5. User Engagement Tools: The website features a subscription form for newsletters, allowing users to stay informed about the library’s activities. Social media buttons were added to facilitate sharing and following the library on platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Additionally, a feedback form was included to gather user input and suggestions.
  6. Multilingual Support: Recognizing the diverse audience, the website supports both Arabic and English, ensuring accessibility for all users.


The new website for the National Library of Palestine successfully met all project objectives, providing a modern, accessible platform that reflects the library’s mission and vision. The Drupal CMS framework allowed for seamless content management and future scalability. User engagement increased significantly through the enhanced news and events section, interactive photo gallery, and social media integration. The digital resources module has made the library’s vast collections more accessible to the public, fostering greater appreciation and utilization of Palestinian heritage.


The development of the National Library of Palestine’s website using Drupal CMS has been a pivotal step in advancing its mission to preserve and promote Palestinian culture. The website serves as a vital tool for education, engagement, and community connection, ensuring that the library’s resources are available to a global audience.

About the client

تعريف المكتبة الوطنية

المكتبة الوطنية الفلسطينية هي البنك المركزي لثقافة الشّعب الفلسطيني وهويته وذاكرته، ومنصّة حضوره بين الأمم والشّعوب. فهي الحاضنة لجمع وإيداع وحفظ ونشر وترويج الإنتاج الفكري والثّقافي الوطني بمختلف أشكاله الإبداعية المخطوطة والمطبوعة والسّمعية والبصرية، والّذي أبدعه ويبدعه أبناء وبنات الشّعب الفلسطيني على مرّ العصور.